The study program Astronomy and Astrophysics is interdisciplinary, consists of several areas of physics, such as plasma physics, kinematics and dynamics (e.g. within the Solar System, galactic astronomy, gravity theory), quantum mechanics (e.g. spectroscopy), and also transcends into chemistry, geology (e.g. planetary physics, diverse meteorite research), biology (astrobiology), and mathematics (statistics, numerical methods, physical modeling). The acquired knowledge and skills form the basis for future scientific and pedagogical work in astronomy, but also in related fields (plasma physics, radiation, hydrodynamics, etc.) of small bodies of the Solar System, solar physics, stellar and galactic astronomy and astrophysics at the institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Czech Academy of Sciences and universities in Slovakia and abroad. At the same time, our graduates gain practical skills in observing, controlling and operating complex instruments, such as telescopes, computerized mounts, automatic and robotic systems such as AMOS and others. In addition to improving scientific skills, these activities also develop programming skills and skills associated with extracting and processing large amounts of data.
The study program does not prepare graduates for regulated professions.